Jazz、Bossa、Latin、pops 等、様々なジャンルの音楽を取り込み、ダンサブルでグルーヴィな音楽を展開するバンド「N'est-ce pas? (ネスパ)」。 その活動はライブハウスにとどまらず、カフェ・レストラン・クラブ等、様々なステージで演奏をする。
2006年にはネスパ初のCD音源「ncp?_06」をリリース 。
masaru (Gt)、momo (Ba)、youhei (P)、youichi (Dr) による現在のネスパのスタイルを確立させた一枚となる。
N'est-ce pas? is a Jazz-Latin-Pop fusion group with tunes you can dance to.
They play at various venues, including live houses and more recently, clubs, and cafes.
Their first album, ncp?-06,released in 2006, was a collection of sophisticated pop songs, which were centered around vocalist Michiru.
Their latest release, Quattro, features Masaru (guitar), Momo (bass), Youhei (keyboard),and Youichi (drums), and it defines N'est-ce pas?'s current style.
Not only are they popular in Japan, their reputation has also extended to and reached fans throughout Asia. From here, N'est-ce pas? are expected to reach people worldwide.
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